Thursday, June 13, 2019

Interviewed in AP article

The past two weeks, I was in close contact with an Associated Press journalist who was writing about monkey retirement. It was information that was new to her, and so she had many questions. I was pleased to see that her final article, which ran in over 100 outlets (including the Washington Post), did a pretty good job covering the real issues involved in this complex topic.

Note that although the article claims the most common primate species in sanctuaries are chimpanzees, capuchins and squirrel monkeys, this is only true for NAPSA member sanctuaries. It is not true for all sanctuaries.

The article mentioned a new bill that was introduced last month by Indiana Representative Jackie Walorski that requires federal agencies to develop a policy permitting animals no longer needed in research to be retired to sanctuaries. So much has changed in the last ten years when it comes to primate research. I hope guaranteed retirement is also on the horizon.

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