Thursday, October 7, 2021

Presenter on World Animal Protection's webinar

World Animal Protection invited me to present on a webinar they were hosting titled "Protecting Nonhuman Primates Exploited as Pets: Sanctuaries and Solutions." It was organized to encourage support of the Captive Primate Safety Act, and also featured a special message from U.S. Congressman Earl Blumenauer and my colleague Amy Kerwin, Founder and Director of Primates, Incorporated.

My presentation focused on the impact of the exotic pet trade on overburdened sanctuaries, and also how primates suffer as individuals when forced to live in human homes. 

I was honored to be a part of this important webinar, and I hope to work with World Animal Protection more in the future!

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Interview on Furthest From The Wild podcast & videos

Filmmaker Alex Tello has a Furthest From The Wild podcast focused on discussion of issues impacting exotic animals in captivity. He asked me to come on the podcast and discuss the work NAPSA has done to eradicate cruel monkey rodeo sideshow events. I was happy to oblige, and we ended up discussing much more.

The podcast can be heard in its entirety here, and he is releasing the video recording of our interview in edited segments on YouTube over the next few weeks. I will add the segments to this post as they are released, so check back!


Thanks to Alex for hosting me!