Friday, December 28, 2018

Quoted in The Dodo

Last year, when news broke that performer Chris Brown had purchased a monkey as a gift for his toddler daughter, it got a lot of attention. On behalf of NAPSA, I wrote a letter to Brown to offer placement for his monkey at a NAPSA member sanctuary (a unique offer, and one that is not always available.) Unfortunately, he ignored our offer and within a few months, his monkey - which was illegal in his Los Angeles home - was confiscated and and placed at an unnamed animal rescue facility.

Flash forward a year, and in late December the story again gained attention because Brown is being charged with two counts of illegally keeping a primate without a permit. If he is indeed charged with the crime in February, he could face up to six months in jail.

The Dodo reached out to me for comments on the story, and what sort of lessons the public might learn from it.

This little monkey was lucky to be removed from Brown's home, and I hope the threats facing Brown may serve to deter other people considering buying such a pet.