After spending some time at Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary, I drove 3.5 hours down to central Florida for part two of this trip - to interview Patti Ragan, founder of Center for Great Apes.
I was fortunate to once again stay on-site on sanctuary housing. The Center for Great Apes is a magical wonderland of exotic plants and even more exotic animals, and I had to pinch myself about getting to sleep there!
As Patti drove me around on a golf cart and talked to me about her life, we collected edible flowers that had dropped and saved them for the chimps to snack on later.
We were observed around every bend. I loved it.
Thank you to New England Anti-Vivisection Society for funding this trip, and my future trips as I interview sanctuary founders for this book. Your support is invaluable! Sending you all the Chimpanzee Love (check out the photo below...)