Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Interviewed in Newsday

The media coverage regarding monkey rodeos at East Coast fairs has continued steadily throughout the summer. This is a great thing, as with every article, I have the chance to spread the word that there is no excuse for primate exploitation.

Newsday interviewed me as part of an investigation of the Banana Derby happening at the Northport Firemen's Fair.

The best news of all? The Northport Volunteer Fire Department listened to concerns and agreed to not hire animal acts at future fairs! This is a victory for sure, and I was happy to have played a part in it.

Click here to read the full article.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Quoted in Isthmus

Alternative Madison, Wisconsin newspaper Isthmus recently wrote about a fledgling primate sanctuary in the area, and included a quote from me.

I first met Amy Kerwin at the 2014 NAPSA Workshop in San Antonio, Texas. At the time she was fundraising to build a sanctuary for lab monkeys in Madison. Since that time, I have gotten to know her much better because she is now only months away from welcoming monkeys to her facility, and she is an Introductory member of NAPSA (of which I am the Program Director.) Her sanctuary is going to primarily house macaques, a species that is very commonly used in research and also notoriously difficult to place in sanctuaries (for a variety of reasons that I won't get into here.) Needless to say, I am quite excited for her sanctuary, Primates Incorporated, to open because it will help monkeys, and help me place monkeys!

Click here to read the full article.