Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Working for the Primate Rescue Center!

Well, I've once again partnered up with one of my favorite sanctuaries - Primate Rescue Center!

Their lovely sanctuary in Kentucky is home to more than 50 primates that were rescued from medical research or living as pets, and includes eleven chimpanzees and ten different species of monkeys. 

One of their residents, a macaque named Boo, happens to grace the cover of a certain book I'm sure you're all familiar with...

Primate Rescue Center is also where I interned for an amazing week in 2006. I wish I had been able to escape my "real" life and stay there longer! I will forever be grateful to this organization, and its founder April Truitt, for giving me my first break in the primatology world.

Now, I'm lucky to work with these folks again! I've been hired to help update the 'In The News' section of their website by regularly posting news stories about apes and monkeys. 

You can stay on top of primates in the news here, thanks to Primate Rescue Center!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Additional funds allocated for retired chimp care

It's a good day for retired chimpanzees.

Then again, I would think most days are good for retired chimps...at least, compared to when they lived in research laboratories!

Let me explain.

Earlier this year, the National Institutes of Health announced that it would no longer fund most research involving chimpanzees, and plans were put in motion to retire almost all of the 360 chimpanzees currently being used in research. 

However, a ruling from years past had limited the amount of funding that could be allocated to support caring for the retired chimpanzees at their new home at Chimp Haven (a sanctuary in Louisiana that is the official retirement home of chimpanzees used in federally funded research, as per 2000's CHIMP Act.)

The funding was set to exceed the $30 million limit this month.

See? Chimpanzees care doesn't come cheap...I wish people who buy these animals as pets understood that!

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Today, bidding opened up for Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest's online auction, and the picture below makes me very happy.

Monkey Business is sold out!!

Granted, they only had one copy...but still. I like seeing the words "sold out" next to my book, especially when I know the proceeds are helping to fund lifetime care for chimpanzees retired from biomedical research. 

There are still lots of great items up for auction. Do some holiday shopping for friends and family. 

Or for me! This silver vegan tote is pretty amazing...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest Auction

Starting November 9th, Monkey Business will be available for sale in Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest's annual auction!

'Biddin' for the Seven' is an online auction that is part of 'Sippin' for the Seven', a fundraiser to go towards care of the seven chimpanzees currently residing at this sanctuary in Cle Elum, Washington. 

Although 'Sippin' for the Seven' is an actual beverage-tasting event taking place in Roslyn, Washington on November 9th (click here for more information if you'd like to attend), the beauty of 'Biddin' for the Seven' is that it takes place entirely online, permitting folks who life far away the chance to participate!

You can preview the items up for auction...oh, and check out that cool looking book I see in the 'Win It Now' category!

(For the record, I see two cool looking books. I've been meaning to read Sheri Speede's Kindred Beings   since it was recommended to me by April Truitt of Primate Rescue Center.)

I'll remind you all to bid on November 9th!