Friday, April 22, 2022

Speaking at Arts for a Better Earth

On Earth Day, I joined an esteemed and passionate group of speakers on a panel entitled "Arts for a Better Earth." The event was hosted by Better Earth Media and was "a new initiative promoting artists who are dedicating their work to the future of the planet."

It was held at the quirky Soho Warehouse, which was fun to explore before the event.

I was invited to speak with filmmaker Shaun Monson, with whom I've been working for over a year as he films the chimpanzee transports as they leave the Wildlife Waystation. His short documentary about the effort, A Checkered Past, was released last year and features Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara. Shaun is working on a feature length production now, and he spoke about what it was like filming the chimps, and what drew him to do this in the first place.

I was there to back him up with the facts about Chimpanzees In Need and share a little about my path to primatology and ethics, and how I came to write my book, Monkey Business.

Past collaborator and filmmaker Andy Cockrum was in town and filmed some B-roll of me for his latest project, a film called "Oliver: Legends of a Great Ape."

Copies of my book were for sale, and I had brought fliers about the Chimpanzees In Need campaign (which was what I was there to speak about.)

I met so many Angelenos wanting to help the chimps - it was great!

I was grateful to be a part of this exclusive event, and hope to collaborate with Better Earth Media in the future.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Upcoming Event: Arts for a Better Earth (Hollywood on April 22)

Something good is coming up! 

I am honored to be joining filmmaker Shaun Monson (with whom I collaborated for A Checkered Past with Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara) as featured speakers at Better Earth Media's event Arts for a Better Earth on April 22 - Earth Day!