Shirley McGreal, founder of
International Primate Protection League, passed away after a long life spent protecting wildlife and encouraging others to do the same.
I am so saddened to hear of her passing. She was an indomitable inspiration to many and a huge force against primate exploitation in many countries - someone who really helped shape a better future for captive and wild animals.
Read more about her here.I last saw her in 2019, when I visited IPPL for a few days and interviewed her for
The Founders, a book on sanctuary founders I was writing. The book is not yet published, but her chapter has been written for a while now. It concludes:
"The sanctuary is where she’s made her peace in a world that churns with so much torment. She is 'completing her life,' she admits, and when her time on earth is over, she wants to be cremated and have her ashes scattered in the gibbon graveyard in the middle of the sanctuary. There she will finally rest, overseen by the garden statues sent from all over the world, amongst the exotic apes she helped bring home as their overlapping whoops layer through the air in a blessing."