Friday, June 16, 2017

Interviewed on Fox's Chasing News

The day after my interview aired on NBC New York, I was contacted by Fox show Chasing News. They were also investigating the Brookhaven Fair's hosting of the Banana Derby monkey rodeo. I completed a phone interview, which aired later that night.

Note that I am disappointed in the show's integrity, and feel they mock what is actually a very serious issue. As is usual with any interview, they aired only a small portion of what I said. However, I am still glad that I was able to speak up - however briefly - on behalf of primate welfare.

Click here for the full video.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Interviewed on NBC New York

As part of my ongoing work with NAPSA to end monkey rodeos, I sent a letter in May to the Brookhaven Fair in Long Island, asking them to reconsider hosting scheduled monkey rodeo events.

Recently NBC 4 New York investigated the situation, and I was pleased to be interviewed on their segment that aired tonight.

Click here for the full video.