Sunday, December 8, 2013

Personhood Beyond the Human

This week I was lucky enough to be able to attend "Personhood Beyond the Human", a conference at Yale University sponsored by The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, endorsed by the Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) and funded by Terasem Movement Foundation and of course, Arcus Foundation (who seem to be behind everything that I enjoy).

Although this conference was not specifically about primates, primates were often the topic of discussion (along with elephants and orcas). Over three days, the various speakers gave presentations on all aspects of legal personhood, how to recognize a being as a person, and why or if humans should recognize other beings as persons.

Keeping in mind that just this week, the NhRP filed the first cases on behalf of the legal personhood of a chimpanzee, the timing of this conference was pretty incredible.

Even more incredible were some of the speakers...

Peter Singer - the very man who penned my all-time favorites Animal Liberation and The Great Ape Project - opened the conference on Friday night. About five years ago, I took a train to Manhattan to hear him speak, but my second time seeing him live was no less exciting. Perhaps "exciting" is not the right word for a bunch of people sitting in an auditorium on a rainy Friday night, but regardless, I always find myself rather exhilarated to be in the presence of (what I consider to be) greatness and true inspiration.

Singer discussed speciesism, or the tendency to have a bias against other species simply in order to give preferential treatment to the group to which one personally belongs.  Giving equal consideration to similar interests - across species - requires humans to empathize and consider what it's like to be a being of another species, especially when it comes to their possible desires to experience pleasure and avoid pain.

There is a strong case to consider rationality (or the awareness of one's own existence over time) to be the basis of legal personhood. It would then follow that some animals (such as chimpanzees) would be considered legal persons, despite the fact that many humans (such as young children and the mentally disabled) who are not considered rational have already been enjoying these rights.

It was clear that Singer could have spoken for hours longer, even just to answer all the questions from the audience. It was well worth the down-pour that drenched us all as we left the auditorium that night!

On Saturday, I was looking forward to hearing from Steven Wise, director of the NhRP and the lawyer who spent the last 27 years of his life building up for this past week's legal filing. I was lucky enough to speak with him in person earlier that day. He is a kind, pleasant man with a wonderful sense of a humor and enviable perserverence. I have no doubt that chimpanzees deserve more legal rights, and I have even less doubt that Steven Wise can prove this in a court of law.

Wise brought with him what appeared to be a ream of paper, but it was actually the testimonials of the primatologists and experts related to his trials. From Tetsuro Matsuzawa to Christophe Boesch, I was familiar with many of the names because they, like Wise and Singer, are in Monkey Business. He explained that the NhRP is asking the judges of their cases to focus on the importance of autonomy of the four captive chimps living within New York state. Relying on petitions for common law writ of habeas corpus, they are referencing the slave trials of America's past, in which the captors must present the captive being and legally and sufficiently explain why keeping him or her jailed is justified.

Common law equality means that you can't treat the same things differently for an arbitrary reason, Mr. Wise stated. Discrimination based on being a chimpanzee is arbitrary and such treatment is akin to racism, or sexism, or any other -ism in which one population strips equality from another population based on one characteristic.

The recent climate of the United States animal rights field, combined with key events like the National Institutes of Health's recent halt to funding of chimpanzee research, made it the perfect time for NhRP to file their first cases this week, and this weekend's conference was more than opportune. 

Personhood Beyond the Human was an encapsulation of the times. We are living on the brink of change for our closest relatives, and was quite fascinating to hear first-hand from the mouths of those who lead the way.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

First case by the Nonhuman Rights Project!

The following piece was written as an Op-Ed submission to the New York Times.

On December 2nd, a suit was filed in a New York court that questions the personhood of a chimpanzee.

This may sound strange. At first consideration, the personhood of a chimpanzee seems contradictory because the English language usually uses the words “person” and “human” interchangeably. However, the legal ramifications of personhood are an entirely different matter…and not contingent on species membership (at least not by definition).

Currently, chimpanzees are considered legal objects to be owned by humans. Defining a living being as a legal person entails certain rights of bodily integrity and freedom from captivity. Such rights are surprisingly not yet granted to chimpanzees in the United States, despite decades of research that have shown these beings are so much more than complacent breathing bits of fur and bone.

Chimpanzee behavior reflects emotions like sadness and happiness, trepidation and affiliation. They can use sign language to communicate their desires and thoughts to those surrounding them, and they naturally teach life skills to their infants. Chimpanzees understand abstract concepts like working in a group towards a common goal, empathy towards others, and anticipation over time…which makes their lives in captivity seem that much more cruel.

They not only can suffer, but they do suffer when living in captivity. A normally sociable, inquisitive mammal will be distressed when kept in a cage without stimulation. This prohibits the expression of their natural behaviors. Mental disease and both physical wasting and morbid obesity plagues those chimpanzees unfortunate enough to spend their years in a cage. Travis the chimpanzee’s 2009 attack of a woman in Stamford is proof of what happens when a strong, intelligent animal is forced to live a life unnatural to their species.

Humanity’s treatment of the other animals on this earth, and specifically the great apes, has evolved over time. Various states throughout the country are banning the ownership of chimpanzees as pets. Just this year, the National Institutes of Health has quit funding the majority of chimpanzee research. With every endangered species protection written into law, and each time letters of complaint are mailed to protest against using ape actors on television, humans are speaking on behalf of those who can’t.

The Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) filed this week’s first suit on behalf of Tommy, a chimpanzee living in a dark cage in a trailer lot in Gloversville, New York. Two more suits are planned for filing later this week, in the hopes the additional three chimpanzees living in New York state may have their freedoms granted. The group is determined to help these four captive New York chimpanzees and ensure for them a brighter future.

At least 95% of our genetic material is identical to that of chimpanzees. Yet our brains have evolved, granting humans the capacity for higher thought and ethical consideration. This power is being put to great use on behalf of our closest biological relative, the chimpanzee.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Monkey Business in the UD Messenger!

When I graduated from the University of Delaware's Creative Writing program in 2003, many people asked me if I wanted to write a book. I always replied  with a quick "no!"

At the time, I thought I would spend my career working to help others, because I didn't want to just work... I wanted to make  a difference.

Funny how things turn out.

This was in the UD Alumni Magazine (The Messenger) delivered to my mailbox today.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

More reader feedback

Just wanted to give a quick shout-out of appreciation for the readers who have shared their opinions of Monkey Business: A History of Primate Rights. 

Whether it's via an review or simply in an email to me, I love hearing what people think as they read...and even more so, I love hearing how the book may affect them even after they've turned the last page.